The Quotes Page
From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.
Good quotes are good times - Sushil
Friday, March 31, 2006
Dilks, on healthy sex habits
(18:26:52) Neil B: I just sneezed so hard I almost shat myself
(18:26:59) Neil B: It was scary
(18:27:04) Kevin: is it that loose back there?
(18:27:06) Neil B: Because for a second, I actually thought I had shat myself
(18:27:45) Kevin: better tell manisha that you're gonna have to start being the man again for a while
Monday, March 27, 2006
Dan, on a healthy lifestyle
(17:22:05) Dan: a drug addiction is just natures way of telling you you arent doing enough drugs
Sunday, March 26, 2006
hornethockeystar, on Microsoft Works
(14:40:10) oddilks: what are you trying to open?
(14:40:18) hornethockeystar: two .wps files
(14:40:40) hornethockeystar: apparently the .wps stands for worthless piece of shit
Dilks, on statistics
oddilks: the only hard part [of AP Stats] is remembering to write all the bs conditions
oddilks: I like to pretend I'm writing for a retarded monkey
banerfee: Like an IM convo w/Stiebel
oddilks: or a love letter to his sister
DJ, on linguistics
JohDHJ (7:58:56 PM): Do you speak black?
banerfee (7:59:15 PM): Sometimes
JohDHJ (7:59:25 PM): I'm taking a course in it.
JohDHJ (7:59:34 PM): It's very rich and culturally diverse.
JohDHJ (7:59:37 PM): for example:
JohDHJ (7:59:39 PM): "fo shizzle ma nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastdardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African American brother"
Kenneth, on drinking in Soviet Russia
KPU0 (10:54:29 PM): If Lenin doesn't make you want to transfer. . . we also have leninade
KPU0 (10:54:51 PM): get hammered & sickled!
Neha, on good priorities
banerfee: That's statutory rape
frrrappuccino: lol whatever.. the free coffee made me happy
Sam and me, on Julia Stiles
Wickywoo II: "The Prince and Me" is a movie featuring Julia Stiles dating another non-wasp guy. This time, it's the prince of Denmark. This looks like a bad movie, IMO. Did you notice the bad grammar in the title?
banerfee: Not necessarily.
banerfee: Suppose it's simply the last part of
banerfee: "My Mother Raped, Murdered, and Devoured the Prince and Me"
Wickywoo II: mmm
Wickywoo II: good point
Me, on unfortunate names
banerfee: A guy named Saltsman or something
Elephant3033: yeah salty bob saltsman
banerfee: If I were a porn star
banerfee: I'd expect to work with someone named that.
Meghan, on missing the obvious
Neil: "So, did you know that [name removed] is apparently a sex offender?"
Meghan: "Really?! But he was always so nice to me..."
Stiebel, on Dilks' mom
BrainsNoBeauty (18:28:22): so what's your mom's favorite position?
Auto response from oddilks (18:28:22): lying down, or something
Stiebel, on the downsides of Jewish sex
BrainsNoBeauty: I GOT SOME!!!!
KPU0: wha?
KPU0: congrats
BrainsNoBeauty: i went on this youth group trip to New york, and on the way there, i got real close with this girl, and on the way back, i got a hj
KPU0: well I'm sold. . . what youth group and what religion do I have to join?
BrainsNoBeauty: haha
BrainsNoBeauty: haha, actually, its kind of ironic
BrainsNoBeauty: its a jewish youth group, so if you want to get a hand job, you have to cut off your penis
Daria, on the social scene at MIT
dashka15 (5:11:18 PM): just once i want to eavesdrop on a conversation here (MIT) and not hear the letters x or y
Avish, on Beyonce
frrrappuccino: so yeah beyonce looked really pretty and sounded good
[at the Grammy's].. haha read this
S Yzerman019: god.. how long can u stretch the word love
frrrappuccino: haha
S Yzerman019: i like forgot what word she was saying half way thru it
Me, on Newtonian physics
banerfee: As long as we still have gravity, Newton will live
strwbrys8604: but who really needs gravity?
banerfee: Anyone having sex.
Ms. Rabourn, on a rather pathetic burp
"David, if you're going to belch in class, at least make it worth our while." - Ms. Rabourn
Manisha, on Bush
spark eternity (9:28:40 PM): it's mockery at its cleverest
spark eternity (9:28:51 PM): make bush sound articulate and the people will Know it's satire
Grace, on college admissions
banerfee (9:16:03 PM): I don't suppose you remember anything of use that might help with my
[college] app?
Sir Katen (9:17:26 PM): i remember writing an objectivist essay that jeremy might have been proud of, because i wasn't taking the app very seriously, but i guess some immigration/overcoming childhood illness essays helped balance it out
banerfee (9:17:40 PM): Hmmm
banerfee (9:17:58 PM): I wonder if they'd ask me to substantiate my claims of leukemia and extensive chemotherapy.
Manisha, on television
"The Sci-Fi Channel is ... like ... alien porn." - Manisha
Sushil, on the pen0s
SUshigUP (9:29:52 PM): my pen0s is bigger than your house
SUshigUP (9:30:02 PM): your house is on my pen0s
SUshigUP (9:30:11 PM): my pen0s has three area codes
SUshigUP (9:30:17 PM): and a nasa startower on the top
SUshigUP (9:30:29 PM): my pen0s feeds 3 homeless families of 4 each year
SUshigUP (9:30:34 PM): my pen0s is shelter in the desert
banerfee (9:30:48 PM): Your pen0s will get you into Harvard if it does all that.
SUshigUP (9:32:47 PM): Harvard? oh you mean my pen0s
SUshigUP (9:32:49 PM): theyre the same thing
banerfee (9:33:07 PM): You're telling me I had to apply to get into your pen0s?
SUshigUP (9:33:11 PM): my pen0s is bigger than rodney's afro
SUshigUP (9:33:26 PM): my pen0s has its own gravitational field
banerfee (9:33:51 PM): That explains why things kept floating around near you.
SUshigUP (9:35:09 PM): my pen0s has a legion of pen0s trained to kill underwater frogmen
SUshigUP (9:35:46 PM): but underwater is really just another state of pen0s so i dont know
Sarah, on very misleading laughter
banerfee (10:08:40 PM): Have you ever laughed at how amusing it is that personal digital assistants and public displays of affection are both referred to as PDAs?
Blind3Eye (10:08:47 PM): hahahhhhahahahah
Blind3Eye (10:08:48 PM): no.
Fritz, on John Jay dancing
Elephant3033: apparently they went on a cruise
Elephant3033: and John Jay kept trying to get into the ship's dance clubs, yelling "i gotta dance, i gotta dance!"
Elephant3033: whenever anyone tried to stop him, he closed his eyes and responded with "no, but i gotta dance!"
Stiebel, on keeping the details straight
BrainsNoBeauty: how's life treating you
Su sHIg uP: its good
Su sHIg uP: i got a full wallet
Su sHIg uP: full stomach
Su sHIg uP: erect penis
Su sHIg uP: etc.
BrainsNoBeauty: hold up, is your wallet full because you're talking to me?
Su sHIg uP: no
BrainsNoBeauty: ok, just checking
Shelley, on non sequiturs
BwhatURlike (8:29:29 PM): or hes fucking other girls
BwhatURlike (8:29:38 PM): but it might be the first one
BwhatURlike (8:30:16 PM): wanna get drunk with me?
banerfee (8:30:21 PM): Do you have any reason to believe that he----whaaaat?
BwhatURlike (8:30:29 PM): hahahah
Aditi and me, on the M-Udit
DTE 1286 (1:39:49 PM): mudit has a date today
DTE 1286 (1:41:28 PM): im exicted for him
banerfee (1:41:43 PM): Make sure he has protection on him
DTE 1286 (1:42:05 PM): oh yeah
DTE 1286 (1:42:10 PM): cuz we all know mudit
banerfee (1:42:10 PM): There's nothing as awkward as having a girl who wants to do you and no condoms in sight
DTE 1286 (1:42:16 PM): hes such a horny guy
banerfee (1:42:20 PM): Are you kidding? he's the M-Udit
banerfee (1:42:32 PM): He's unstoppable among the ladies
DTE 1286 (1:42:50 PM): he puts the M in piMp
Aditi, on the nose
"My nose is acting ... nasal." - Aditi
Me, on quantum interference
banerfee (11:56:09 PM): Quantum interference is my bitch
banerfee (11:56:18 PM): I'm just like "What up, photon? What up NOW?"
banerfee (11:56:27 PM): And it's like "Please, please, don't make me exist in two places at once"
banerfee (11:56:28 PM): And I'm like
banerfee (11:56:40 PM): "Oh, yeah, bitch, you'll exist where I want you to until I measure you and you collapse down to one state"
Morgan, on good Christmas presents
egonomadic (9:24:02 PM): i wish i bought some crabs for myself.
egonomadic (9:24:08 PM): i would make us race them together.
egonomadic (9:24:10 PM): or something.
banerfee (9:24:19 PM): Haha
banerfee (9:24:21 PM): Go buy us some crabs
banerfee (9:24:27 PM): You know how I love crabs.
egonomadic (9:24:38 PM): yeah, crabs are choice
egonomadic (9:24:49 PM): crabs are probably my favorite.
banerfee (9:25:09 PM): Crabs are totally awesome.
banerfee (9:25:12 PM): Everyone should have crabs.
egonomadic (9:25:39 PM): agreed. i hope christmas eve comes soon so i can stop debating whether or not i want to get rid of my crabs. i don't know if jeff deserves crabs as awesome as these.
banerfee (9:26:23 PM): I'm glad that you two are ready to share your crabs.
egonomadic (9:26:38 PM): they are love crabs, neil. love crabs.
Morgan, on sucking
egonomadic (12:25:19 PM): because i am awesome.
banerfee (12:25:39 PM): In bed.
egonomadic (12:25:53 PM): i suck in bed! which is why i'm great.
egonomadic (12:25:57 PM): ..whoa
egonomadic (12:26:01 PM): that was a total accident.
Will, on lemonauts
CullyUU (10:16:53 PM): anyway, there was no lemon juice left at Kristen's house by the time we got there, and Will was smelling the bottle and squeezing it...he was like, "It's lemonade in gas's like the lemonade the astronauts use"
CullyUU (10:17:21 PM): "astronaut...astronade...lemonaut..."
Karen, on porn
"Porn's not supposed to be realistic. You want realism, go have desperate mediocre sex with someone average-looking." - Karen
Dan, on good bargaining
MagikMaker85 (9:58:43 PM): There once was a guy named Dan/
MagikMaker85 (9:58:53 PM): One could barely call him a man/
Belsaros (9:59:11 PM): Neil, I'll sell her to you for a quarter.....
banerfee (9:59:26 PM): Done.
Paula, on conflict resolution
RyokoPorter: actually i was planing on having a calm meaningful talk, if that doesnt work and he says something bad i'll beat the crap out of him
Me, on computer security
DJ says: Damn it, if my roommates are jacking off on my computer, I think I'll have to put a password
Neil says: I'd definitely put a password on it
Neil says: Or better yet .. .!!!
Neil says: Put a jar of Vaseline near enough your computer that it would seem convenient
Neil says: ...lace it with Bengay
Roopman19, on the Xbox
Roopman19: it treats me right, it doesnt whine, it has a power button so i can turn it off, it shuts up when i want it to, and it definitely gives a lot of excitement
Roopman19: more than i can say of any girl
Me, on misleading prefixes
Stiebel, on web design
Spectral Damage, on magnetic storage media
Me, on animal husbandry
Homer Simpson, on good parenting
Asheesh, on gender equality
Daria, on a balanced diet
Kenneth, on the pecking order at Cal Tech
Fritz, on reading between the lines
Stiebel, on math and shit
Stiebel, on Dilks' mom
Mehdi, on Asian people
Peter, on prefixes and word roots
Me: What does impetuous mean?
Peter: Impetuous ... not petuous!
DJ, on how to get rich quick
"If I had a nickel for everytime someone told me that in order to bypass the main remodulation panel by crossing the outer control switch with the auxiliary power connector, I'd have.....
A nickel." - DJ
Anonymous, on finding happiness
"I once shaved myself all over and slept on silk sheets. I won't ever need a girl." - Anonymous
Drunk person, on handling women
Drunk friend: "Damn all women. Give them an inch, and they'll want a diamond ring!"
Not-drunk friend: "You would know about giving girls an inch, wouldn't you?
Drunk friend: "Damn straight! I give inches everywhere!"
Jeremy, on trust and love
Meghan: There's nothing that is more important to me than you.
Jeremy: Yes, and that's because I have a penis and a wallet., on women
"Women are impossible to read. Trying to understand women is like a blind person trying to solve a Rubik's cube: you can twist and turn all ya want, but how will you ever know when you've gotten it right." -
Karen, on good career choices
banerfee (9:42:37 PM): If you could make a living doing anything, what would it be?
Auto response from CullyUU (9:42:38 PM): working on the vagina. oh yeah.
banerfee (9:42:44 PM): Thank you.
Kelie, on unintentional advances
Kaji Dragon kt (10:31:13 PM): it didnt load lol, gimme one sex
banerfee (10:31:21 PM): Whoa!
banerfee (10:31:23 PM): That was easy...
banerfee (10:31:30 PM): I thought it would be harder than that.
banerfee (10:31:41 PM): But you're just like "Give me sex"
Kaji Dragon kt (10:31:54 PM): LOL
banerfee (10:32:04 PM): Best. Typo. EVER.
Calvin & Hobbes, on happiness
"The secret to enjoying your job is having a hobby that is even worse." - Calvin & Hobbes
Jeremy, on hygeine
Jeremy31337's Away Message: Conservatism. Because bathing is definitely back in style.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Sushil, on making the best of a name
Su sHIg uP (9:08:24 PM): mudit = m-udit
Su sHIg uP (9:08:30 PM): = fity cent with stuffy nose
Me, on non sequitur
DTE 1286 (10:05:51 PM): soooooooooo
DTE 1286 (10:05:56 PM): mmmmmmmm
DTE 1286 (10:05:59 PM): hummmmmm
banerfee (10:06:03 PM): Blowjob.
Me, on lowering the bar
Su sHIg uP (1:38:34 PM): dude...let me tell you something important
Su sHIg uP (1:38:37 PM): PWNED!!!!!11111
Su sHIg uP (1:38:46 PM): lol roflmao i pwn j00 so bda!!!1
banerfee (1:39:02 PM): That's fucking stupid. So fucking stupid. I can't belive how fucking...
banerfee (1:39:06 PM): Okay, that gets Quoted.
Sushil, on grammar
Su sHIg uP (1:35:29 PM): fucking put this in your quotes page
Su sHIg uP (1:35:33 PM): i'm a fucking child molester
Su sHIg uP (1:35:41 PM): and i'm gonna fucking molest your fucking children
Su sHIg uP (1:35:42 PM): so fuck you
banerfee (1:36:05 PM): When you say fucking molest, do you mean molest by fucking? Or are you just using fucking to modify molest?
Su sHIg uP (1:36:13 PM): modify
banerfee (1:36:20 PM): Okay. Then I'll put it up.
Me, on keeping things quiet
DTE 1286 is Aditi's screenname, NOT Rohit's banerfee (11:25:01 PM): hi
DTE 1286 (11:25:14 PM): hey
DTE 1286 (11:25:16 PM): this is rohit
banerfee (11:25:29 PM): Rohit, you shouldn't be at her house at this hour on a weeknight.
DTE 1286 (11:25:38 PM): haha im sry neil
banerfee (11:25:59 PM): Oh, well. What you two do is your own business. Well, that, and mine, and anyone who reads my website.
Stiebel, on jealousy
In reference to spark eternity's "da Vinci" quoteBrainsNoBeauty (11:38:00 PM): that first quote on ur quotes page is lame
BrainsNoBeauty (11:38:02 PM): super lame
banerfee (11:39:04 PM): ...
banerfee (11:39:15 PM): Just because I have a quote about someone other than you being gay, it doesn't make it lame.
Manisha, on da Vinci
banerfee (9:21:52 PM): Talk about sexual liberation in the Renaissance.
spark eternity (9:22:07 PM): sexual liberation, yeah!
banerfee (9:22:21 PM): ...I mean between Da Vinci and other men, but yeah.
banerfee (9:22:27 PM): ...and other farm animals...
banerfee (9:22:30 PM): He was convicted for goat-sodomy.
spark eternity (9:22:34 PM): da vinci was the man!
spark eternity (9:22:42 PM): he could have any goat he wanted!
Sam, on how to get through life
Wickywoo II (11:56:35 PM): being able to guess right...
Wickywoo II (11:56:49 PM): if your good enough at it, you don't need to be able to do anything else
Me, on Indian people
banerfee (10:18:33 PM): Head Driver [of The Boondock Saints] was an Indian
banerfee (10:18:36 PM): Rohan Singh
banerfee (10:18:41 PM): I demand credit for the movie
banerfee (10:18:47 PM): Because I am Indian and so was that guy
oddilks (10:18:51 PM): what does the head driver do?
banerfee (10:18:54 PM): No idea
banerfee (10:18:59 PM): But his credit was centered
banerfee (10:19:05 PM): And on top of his group
oddilks (10:19:09 PM): wow
Rush and me, on Jews
banerfee (7:12:01 PM): So did you have school today?
strwbrys8604 (7:12:06 PM): yes
strwbrys8604 (7:12:08 PM): argh
banerfee (7:12:10 PM): SUCKER
banerfee (7:12:12 PM): You need more Jews.
strwbrys8604 (7:12:17 PM): seriously
Fallout and SoaS, on poultry
[Sunday, January 19, 2003, 04:02:51 AM] Fallout2man842: whatever floats your boat ^_~
[Sunday, January 19, 2003, 04:02:58 AM] SoaS: Ducks.
[Sunday, January 19, 2003, 04:03:20 AM] Fallout2man842: Ducks always drive me quackers.
[Sunday, January 19, 2003, 04:03:36 AM] SoaS: My duck is doing drugs. He's on quack.
[Sunday, January 19, 2003, 04:04:57 AM] Fallout2man842: Oh well, just tie him up in duck tape for a while to ensure he can go cold turkey.
Grace, on true crime
"Arrested for selling sacks of wind to gullible peasants" - Grace
Stiebel, on unnecessary habits
BrainsNoBeauty: The phaomnneil pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it
deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist
and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be
a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit
porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Fcuknig amzanig!
banerfee: Yeah.
banerfee: WEird.
BrainsNoBeauty: yea, mr. "i have to spell and type correctly when i im people"
Me, on drug abuse
banerfee (8:46:16 PM): I get as much Vitamin C as any ten normal people put together.
Blind3Eye (8:46:29 PM): hahaha thats not that good for you
Blind3Eye (8:46:32 PM): you can overdose on that
Blind3Eye (8:46:33 PM): hahaha
banerfee (8:46:34 PM): I'm exaggerating.
Blind3Eye (8:46:38 PM): :-P
banerfee (8:46:41 PM): And you only overdose on it if you take the pills.
banerfee (8:46:43 PM): OJ doesn't have nearly enough.
banerfee (8:46:51 PM): But can you imagine the stories they'd tell?
Blind3Eye (8:47:00 PM): AHAHAHAHAHA
banerfee (8:47:17 PM): "You hear about Neil? He OD'ed this weekend and he's in a coma!"
"What did he OD on?!!? Crack? Heroin? Ecstasy?"
Blind3Eye (8:47:32 PM): HAHHAHAA
banerfee (8:47:32 PM): "No, man, it's worse. Vitamin C."
banerfee (8:47:47 PM): "Was he fucking nuts? That shit's FAT-SOLUBLE. Doesn't he know that'll kill him?!"
banerfee (8:47:51 PM): Haha okay
banerfee (8:47:56 PM): I'll talk to you later
Blind3Eye (8:48:11 PM): hahhhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahahhhahha
Goodman, on how things really work
a g0od man: man... there seem to have been a lot of catastrophes today
banerfee: Wow.
banerfee: Terrorists? Aliens? Radiant stupidity from the White House?
a g0od man: all of the above?
banerfee: Probably.
TR, on benefits
T_R: I had never heard of this 'friends with benefits' term until my girlfriend spoke about the relationship between two friends of hers. I was like "What? Is her dad a dentist or something?"
Sam, on Catholicism
banerfee (6:55:16 PM): Aye.
banerfee (6:55:39 PM): Obsessively watching The Boondock Saints over and over and over again is slowly turning me Irish
banerfee (6:55:44 PM): I occasionally lapse into an Irish accent
Wickywoo II (6:55:46 PM): lol
banerfee (6:56:03 PM): And I memorized most of the prayers from that movie
banerfee (6:56:12 PM): And I finally learned how to do the Catholic cross thingy
Wickywoo II (6:56:24 PM): next stop... molesting little boys
Shneals, on the trouble with Teen Girl Squad
Sam: We should go trick or treating as teen girl squad
Shneals: which would you be
Sam: So and so. You could be Cheerleader, Kash could be whats her face, and Nick could be the ugly one
Shneals: I dont think it would work, because everyone would be like what they hell? (point @ me) why are you a cheerleader (point @ kash and u) what are you? (point at nick) why are you such an ugly girl?
Kasumi, on having too many vibrators
Kuno-Ichi: you know, vibrators are like babies. once you have 11 the novelty starts to wear off and you start giving them crap names like "J" or "Vibrator number 14"
Neha and me, on jalebi
speshalme123: yea cuz india so owns paki
fahde054: o yea?! well we invented julabi!
A while later... banerfee: What the fuck's a julabi?
banerfee: Is it just a really bad spelling of jalebi?
speshalme123: hahaha
speshalme123: yaa
speshalme123: the orange sweet stuff
speshalme123: so good
banerfee: Yeah until someone misspells it like that
Jon, on the trouble with conservatives
Rubin: Why don't we start a conservative personals section?
Jon: We don't need 500 SWMs.
IIE-LAB-SECS Server, on good excuses
"I'd love to go out with you, but it's my parakeet's bowling night." - IIELAB-SECS Server
Me, on DJ's habits
JohDHJ (9:37:56 PM): you know, i've actually given up porn?
banerfee (9:38:06 PM): YOU
banerfee (9:38:09 PM): gave up
banerfee (9:38:11 PM): PORN?
JohDHJ (9:38:17 PM): yeah
JohDHJ (9:38:20 PM): I gave up porn.
banerfee (9:38:22 PM): ...and today in the weather, a cold front hits America as Hell freezes over.
banerfee (9:38:42 PM): Meteorologists trace the phenomenon to an Asian college student at Purdue.
JohDHJ (9:38:48 PM): hahahahaha
Aditi, on chemistry
banerfee (5:30:19 PM): What turns you on more than anything else in the world?
Auto response from DTE 1286 (5:30:20 PM): chem
Aditi, on licking ass
DTE 1286 (9:15:50 PM): WE'LL LKICK HIS ASS
rocker2570 (9:15:56 PM): yes!
rocker2570 (9:15:58 PM): lick?
Unknown, on drawing logical conclusions
"So if you love to have a girl around... doesn't it make sense to have two girls around? Or three? And so on?" - Popular Saying
Abby, on hot girls, and Sushil, on sex with me
MudWrestlerGurl: you need to come to my house and fix my comp
banerfee: Okay.
banerfee: I need you to drive me there.
MudWrestlerGurl: lol
MudWrestlerGurl: and i didnt even have to offfer sex
banerfee: ...wait a second, the last time I went to Manisha's house, it was ostensibly to fix her computer.
banerfee: We ended up making out in her bedroom.
MudWrestlerGurl: lol
banerfee: Are you trying to make out with me?
MudWrestlerGurl: yes my life's purpose
banerfee: Just like every other teenage girl I know.
MudWrestlerGurl (8:54:23 PM): hehehehe
banerfee (8:54:26 PM): Oh, well, I'm not complaining.
banerfee (8:54:32 PM): Hot girl wants to make out with me, I'll survive somehow.
MudWrestlerGurl (8:54:38 PM): there there
MudWrestlerGurl (8:54:44 PM): we all have our problems
MudWrestlerGurl (8:54:52 PM): take my case
MudWrestlerGurl (8:54:59 PM): no hot girl EVER wants to make out with me
MudWrestlerGurl (8:55:06 PM): and if i offfer they usually run screaming
MudWrestlerGurl (8:55:09 PM): no im serious
MudWrestlerGurl (8:55:13 PM): i know its hard to believe
banerfee (8:55:22 PM): I have no idea how they can all turn you down.
banerfee (8:55:24 PM): That's ridiculous.
MudWrestlerGurl (8:55:26 PM): me either
A while later... sush igup: so youre gonna fix computers for sex now eh?
sush igup: cause i mean, i've got some problems too..
banerfee: hahaha
Raj, on good advice
rajaholick (2:24:25 PM): if you are going to get a laptop you want something that is portable
Jeremy, on how to get things done
Jeremy31337: She had to take her shirt off for my roomate to leave.
Fritz, on college admissions
Elephant3033 (12:40:05 AM): yeah... colleges are like women, eventually you want to end up with a good one, but now while we're young it's fun to see what we can make the cheap ones do
Fritz, on college admissions
Elephant3033 (12:35:14 AM): you know what's cool? when bad colleges send you mail
Elephant3033 (12:35:42 AM): tulane sent me a letter that was like "we'll give you full tuition and a hand job"
Sarah, on Latin
banerfee (11:48:59 PM): You know, I don't even know what all the different ablatives and all the different grammar things for that matter are
banerfee (11:49:12 PM): Half the time I just look at all the words and think of what kind of sentence a Latin book would make out of those words
Blind3Eye (11:49:35 PM): hahah ditto. wow see i look at the words and i think....shit. latin needs to die...oh wait it is dead.
Stiebel, on jumping to conclusions
BrainsNoBeauty (10:10:50 PM): OMG!!!!
BrainsNoBeauty (10:10:59 PM): u put in a quote of mine without me asking for it
BrainsNoBeauty (10:11:01 PM): !!!!!
banerfee (10:11:07 PM): Is this a sign of true love?
BrainsNoBeauty (10:11:08 PM): i am shocked
BrainsNoBeauty (10:11:12 PM): god, i hope not
banerfee (10:11:24 PM): Same here...*shudders*
BrainsNoBeauty (10:11:34 PM): u should quote this
BrainsNoBeauty (10:11:38 PM): its pretty good
banerfee (10:11:52 PM): I don't know, I don't want you to think I'm trying to seduce you or anything.
Stiebel, on wishful thinking
"I wish life was as long and easy as calc homework." - Stiebel
Me, on data recovery
ROSw12: is there another way [to recover my files]?
banerfee: Perform oral sex on the serial port
Stiebel, on jealousy
BrainsNoBeauty (8:32:31 PM): wait, u and MAnisha r still together, right?
banerfee (8:32:43 PM): Yeah.
BrainsNoBeauty (8:32:47 PM): damn
banerfee (8:32:48 PM): Since 5/17
BrainsNoBeauty (8:32:50 PM): no, jk
banerfee (8:32:52 PM): Hahaha
banerfee (8:32:56 PM): Sorry, you can't have me yet.
BrainsNoBeauty (8:33:01 PM): HAHA
Avish, on well-delivered humor
S Yzerman019: i shave my ass too
S Yzerman019: no no no that was a joke
Sushil, on charity
banerfee (10:42:55 PM): Ballin is cool shit
sush igup (10:43:01 PM): where i know that theres nothin better i could be doin with my time
sush igup (10:44:10 PM): so now
sush igup (10:44:14 PM): i'm tryin to ball for others
banerfee (10:44:17 PM): lol
sush igup (10:44:17 PM): like a charity ball
Sushil and me, on poons and prunes
sush igup (10:30:40 PM): well it has p00njuice
sush igup (10:30:44 PM): as opposed to prunejuice
banerfee (10:31:41 PM): What if your p00n were to dry up
banerfee (10:31:45 PM): And become a prune?
Sushil, on dongs
sush igup: coool what movie are you seeing
banerfee: SWAT
sush igup: swat is amazing
sush igup: like my dong
sush igup: [question]
sush igup: dong answer that
sush igup: i mean dong
sush igup: dont
sush igup: HAHAHAHA
sush igup: lolololol
banerfee: Hahahahahhaahahahaha
Kenneth, on personal ads
KPU0: From a fake personals ad in Men seeking Men (in a mock newspaper from Caltech):Professor seeking male student for help in science experiment. Must have unlimited supply of vaseline.
BrainsNoBeauty: haha
BrainsNoBeauty: did u reply?
KPU0: um. . . that was the whole ad. . . no contact anyhow
BrainsNoBeauty: boy, u must be heartbroken
KPU0: haha
Manik, on women on the road
Manik (1:12:55 PM): i dont have a problem drivin a million girls home from a long as i know there isnt one on the road
Stiebel, on ass
BrainsNoBeauty (6:01:37 PM): so far i have two quotes about a mysterious ass
banerfee (6:01:42 PM): Yeah
BrainsNoBeauty (6:01:50 PM): i'll try for 3
BrainsNoBeauty (6:02:06 PM): 3 asses
BrainsNoBeauty (6:02:09 PM): thats really big
Stiebel and me, on copying the movie Jackass
BrainsNoBeauty (5:56:19 PM): hows my ass
banerfee (5:56:40 PM): The two halves won't separate properly
BrainsNoBeauty (5:57:02 PM): is it cracked?
banerfee (5:57:48 PM): Something's cracked about it.
banerfee (5:58:00 PM): There's also this hole in the middle that's been giving me some trouble.
banerfee (5:58:03 PM): It causes a lot of crap.
BrainsNoBeauty (5:58:14 PM): hmmm
BrainsNoBeauty (5:58:57 PM): well, clean it up and hand it to me
banerfee (5:59:11 PM): You want your ass handed to you?
BrainsNoBeauty (5:59:31 PM): please
BrainsNoBeauty (5:59:48 PM): can i pick it up now?
banerfee (5:59:58 PM): I'm afraid your ass is in no position to be picked up.
banerfee (6:00:06 PM): But there are several other things that are, if you know what I mean.
Sam, on public speaking
Wickywoo II: i just got back from Band Camp
banerfee: You've GOT to have stories
banerfee: Here, I'll start and you finish
banerfee: "And one time, at band camp,"
banerfee: Go!
Wickywoo II: i said "Adolf Sax invented the instrument because he wanted something curved he could blow"
Wickywoo II: in front of the entire band directors staff
banerfee: HAHAHAHA
Fritz, on futile gestures
Elephant3033 (12:40:36 AM): i think it was like half and half... but don't quote me
Ray, on God
"I don't have a God complex, God had a Ray complex" - The Esteemed Raymond Kleinberg
Stacey, on good use of assets
breakthedoors: and i wanted to see how hot my new headlights would get
banerfee: Hahahaha
breakthedoors: whats so funny? ;-)
banerfee: I don't know
banerfee: Something about that
banerfee: Ah, yes, headlights
banerfee: The other meaning
breakthedoors: LOL
breakthedoors: you suck!!
breakthedoors: put that in your quotes page
breakthedoors: :-*
banerfee: I wouldn't, normally, but I can't resist the whore lips.
ShortStuff7612, on Yue's mother
ShortStuff7612 (9:37:41 PM): whos brainsnobeauty
banerfee (9:37:52 PM): Yue's moth----err, that is, Stiebel.
ShortStuff7612 (9:37:56 PM): o
ShortStuff7612 (9:38:26 PM): yues mother is nobrainsnobeauty
banerfee (9:38:41 PM): Haha!
Me, on recycling
banerfee: I am 99% sure I can make it to your grad party
lotus 7337: okay
banerfee: Will a mangled fetus be an acceptable gift?
lotus 7337: sure
banerfee: Great. I told Manisha I'd think of something to do with it...
Me, on web design
banerfee: HTMLing your first page is like losing your web virginity.
banerfee: You'll always remember it.
Scott Roeben, on the war in Iraq
"Uday? Qusay? Finding Saddam should be easy. Just look for a nervous Iraqi who speaks Pig Latin." - Scott Roeben
Scott Roeben, on sex crimes
"I always thought they should make a law against premature ejaculation. The only problem would be sentencing. Everyone would get off way too easy." - Scott Roeben
Stiebel, on homework
BrainsNoBeauty (10:04:03 PM): did u do schmidt
BrainsNoBeauty (10:04:10 PM): cuz he's hard
banerfee (10:04:11 PM): Most of him.
banerfee (10:04:12 PM): Hahahaha
BrainsNoBeauty (10:04:13 PM): he screwed me
Stiebel and Kenneth, on sets
(21:17:50) BrainsNoBeauty: have u done it successfully?
(21:17:50) KPU0: I spent several hours pulling my hair out trying to figure out sets.
(21:18:06) KPU0: I've had sets successfully.
(21:18:21) KPU0: It's so hard to get sets.
(21:18:40) KPU0: But when sets finally comes, it's the best time ever.
(21:18:58) BrainsNoBeauty: so u have it?
(21:19:04) BrainsNoBeauty: .mod, .dat, and output?
(21:19:14) KPU0: I will not give you actual files
(21:19:36) BrainsNoBeauty: please, i did it, but i've been told i need it with sets
(21:19:45) BrainsNoBeauty: so, now, im screwed
(21:20:09) KPU0: wait. . . you did it without sets? that's not really sets.
(21:20:18) BrainsNoBeauty: i know
(21:20:30) BrainsNoBeauty: i did it without sets, and now i found out i need to do it with sets
(21:20:42) BrainsNoBeauty: so i need it now
(21:20:44) KPU0: ok, so it's your first time
(21:20:57) KPU0: having sets
DJ, on Indiana
Elysium Chaos, on Europe
Kenneth, on good use of time
Me, on Kenneth's mom
Johnny Depp, on good decisions
Kenneth, on a simpler time
Me, on what really matters
Naalti and me, on teaching class
Yue, on the bare necessities
Scott, on moving to college
Stiebel and me, on rhymes
Me, on "pimp"
The Sloganizer, on me
Stiebel and me, on cup holders
Stiebel, on my dick
Stiebel, on jumping to conclusions
banerfee (9:03:54 PM): I want
BrainsNoBeauty (9:04:38 PM): wat is it?
BrainsNoBeauty (9:04:43 PM): a vibrator?
banerfee (9:05:25 PM): ...a Tablet PC
Stiebel, on true humor
BrainsNoBeauty: do u know what the speed limit of sex is?
BrainsNoBeauty: 68, cuz at 69 you have to stop and turn around
banerfee: Hahahaha
BrainsNoBeauty: do u know what the square root of 69 is?
BrainsNoBeauty: Ate Something
banerfee: Haha, nice.
BrainsNoBeauty: I think thats all my one liner sex jokes
BrainsNoBeauty: "Would you like to have sex with me?"
BrainsNoBeauty: That's another joke
BrainsNoBeauty: It must be, cuz the ladies laugh whenever i say it
Stiebel, on the contrapositive
sush igup: if i lie, then p is not q
BrainsNoBeauty: AH
BrainsNoBeauty: dont even joke about that
BrainsNoBeauty: the contrapositive is a serious subject
sush igup: i know
sush igup: i had to though
sush igup: i knew i shouldntve
sush igup: but i thought i should try it once
sush igup: to see what it was like
BrainsNoBeauty: my dog died from the contrapositive
BrainsNoBeauty: so dont joke
sush igup: i wont do it again please....*sob*
sush igup: mine died the same way
BrainsNoBeauty: its horible
BrainsNoBeauty: his ass and head inverted and switched places
BrainsNoBeauty: O, the horror
Shelley, on figuring out the system
TisWhatSheSaid signed off at 10:49:19 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed on at 10:49:21 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed off at 10:49:28 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed on at 10:49:30 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed off at 10:49:38 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed on at 10:49:39 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed off at 10:49:44 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed on at 10:49:46 PM.
ban erf ee (10:49:53 PM): Whoa
TisWhatSheSaid signed off at 10:49:54 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed on at 10:49:55 PM.
ban erf ee (10:49:57 PM): You're going CRAZY
TisWhatSheSaid signed off at 10:50:29 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid signed on at 10:50:44 PM.
TisWhatSheSaid (10:50:53 PM): what just happened?
ban erf ee (10:51:06 PM): I have NO idea.
TisWhatSheSaid (10:51:40 PM): thats classic. will you put that in your quotes page??!??!?!
ban erf ee (10:52:12 PM): ...That wasn't funny, though.
ban erf ee (10:52:14 PM): It was just WEIRD.
ban erf ee (10:52:19 PM): On the other hand
ban erf ee (10:52:22 PM): Weird is about what it takes to get in
ban erf ee (10:52:25 PM): You'll be up in 5 minutes.
TisWhatSheSaid (10:52:27 PM): yah
TisWhatSheSaid (10:52:55 PM): what if i added a sexual comment? like, neil has a monster penis.
ban erf ee (10:53:26 PM): Congratulations on being admitted to the Quotes Page. You are now officially a greater human being.
Fritz, on affirmative action
In response to UMich's admissions policy and the related Supreme Court decisions... Elephant3033 (11:46:56 PM): yeah back in the day a black female dirt farmer from idaho that wanted to do engineering could get in with a 2.5
Elephant3033 (11:46:58 PM): no more
Elephant3033 (11:47:03 PM): now she needs a 2.8 or so
Jeremy, on taxes
banerfee: Cash?
Jeremy31337: Check, yeah.
banerfee: Under the table, though?
Jeremy31337: I don't know.
Jeremy31337: I might pay taxes on it, if I feel like it.
Me, on currency exchange
dashka15 (12:26:29 AM): who is yen1233
banerfee (12:27:17 AM): I have no idea.
banerfee (12:27:24 AM): But he's worth like 10 cents.
JohDHJ (12:41:56 AM): You have a yen for bad puns.
Daria, on her ideal world
dashka15: i say we just let the kkk and the blacks exterminate each other and move on with civilized existence
Me, on how the world really works
frrrappuccino: i typed in my msn password like ten times
frrrappuccino: and it keeps saying to retype it
frrrappuccino: ud think i iknow my own password
banerfee: Heh
banerfee: Jesus hates you
banerfee: More importantly, so does Bill Gates
Me, on modesty
moodoomania: YAY..... that'll be a miracle if u can do that
banerfee: Just call me Jesus.
Me, on noticing the obvious
banerfee (2:05:15 AM): know what's sad?
banerfee (2:05:25 AM): I get Daily Dilbert emails now...and I was looking through my Inbox
banerfee (2:05:32 AM): And I was like "Wow, I get one of these Daily Dilberts, like, every day."
Lauren, on blowing
Sark8787 (10:21:28 AM): i loved the craft project actually
Sark8787 (10:22:45 AM): because i didnt do something pathetic like making a quilt or crocheting or knitting or candlemaking or making a chair!! hahabanerfee (10:23:30 AM): Haha
banerfee (10:23:34 AM): Glassblowing, right?
banerfee (10:23:36 AM): That's really cool
Sark8787 (10:23:39 AM): for sure
Sark8787 (10:24:25 AM): haha i got the idea from my great uncle...hes an amazing glassblower
banerfee (10:24:45 AM): So how good are you at blowing? Would you say you blow well?
Sark8787 (10:25:24 AM): i think i'm pretty good at blowing. I enjoy blowing. haha
banerfee (10:25:41 AM): Fan-tastic.
banerfee (10:25:48 AM): I've always liked girls who enjoy blowing.
Sark8787 (10:26:11 AM): haha you would
Silk, on the Loch Ness Monster
Brian: So, do you ever call it a sea snake?
Me: Psh! More like a Loch Ness Monster.
Silk: Loch Ness...because nobody can find it.
Anonymous people, on sex
Someone: So, [removed], how are you going to get by in college without [his girlfriend]?
[removed]: Well, you know what they say ... tis better to have fucked and lost than to never have fucked at all.
Chick3nPotato, on great comebacks
Crossfire1987: either way ur lesbian
Chick3nPotato: EH
Chick3nPotato: at least i like girls
Pelgar, on how to get women
First of all, not many girls want a guy who can't spell Latinum and can't punctuate correctly. These are symptoms of a simpleton. Girls like guys who can dress themselves and string words together to make sentences. I'm sure it's hard to type because your knuckles are sore from dragging them on the ground all the time, but work to improve your communication skills and you should have more success with the ladies. - Pelgar
Meghan, on good priorities
banerfee: We're up to a "high" terror alert!
banerfee: ORANGE!
Meghan6789: NO
Meghan6789: since when?!
Meghan6789: AHHHHHHHHH
banerfee: 2 hours and 1 minute ago according to Yahoo News
Meghan6789: oh no
Meghan6789: i only pray that my sex life isn't endangered
banerfee: "Oh...Jeremy...yes...---AAAAH! "*terrorist bursts into room*
banerfee: Infidels! DIE FOR ALLAH!
Meghan6789: haha
banerfee: Headlines: Teenagers have sex, are killed by terrorists. Trojan releases new line of bulletproof condoms
Meghan and me, about the "tsick"
banerfee: Meghan.
banerfee: Shut up.
banerfee: NOW.
Meghan6789: haha
Meghan6789: i'm done
banerfee: You're my friend and you know I love you
banerfee: but if you do that again
banerfee: So help me God if there is one I'm coming after you with a tsick
Meghan6789: NOT A TSICK!
Meghan6789: i tremble with fear
banerfee: Oh, shut up.
banerfee: *STICK
Meghan6789: "yeah manish, he's a great guy.. just don't let him near you with his tsick"
banerfee: Since when are YOU one to make fun of typoes? Tell you what. Learn to punctuate and get over your fear of capitalizing sentences, and then we'll talk.
Meghan6789: I have no fear of proper speech.
Meghan6789: I'm just lazy.
Meghan6789: Instead of not doing my homework, I let my laziness out in my AIM conversations.
Meghan6789: i'm sorry neil
Meghan6789: that was a little below the belt
banerfee: ...yes, it was. Don't do it again or I'll bust out the tsick on you.
banerfee: And when the tsick comes out, you'd better f'ing watch out.
Sam, on handling situations well
Auto response from Wickywoo II: I have made it onto Neil's Quotes Page! (Struggles to control orgasm...) Um... I have to excuse myself now...
Sam, on my character
banerfee: Not much computerry that rhymes with survive.
Wickywoo II: not much of anything rhymes with survive
Wickywoo II: there was sex drive
Wickywoo II: but thats not really a computer thing
Wickywoo II: thats a neil thing
banerfee: Haha!
Sam, on the stuff dreams are made of
Auto response from Wickywoo II: *sigh* If only I could get onto Neil's quotes page! He is, after all, my hero, and the aforementioned achievement would cause my mind to leap to new hights of pleasure. Not sex, nor food, nor lots of sex could ever hold even the tiniest candle to the intense ecstasy that being on the holiest of quotes pages could bring. To be a part of that thick concentration of humor and stupidity, to belong to the exclusive brotherhood of Quotes Page includees, what a marvelous and incredible experience that would be! I would do anything to belong in that shrine of human conversation, that temple of the typed word, that acropolis of AIM that only Neil can control. I am in awe of its greatness. *sigh* If only, if only...
Morgan and me, on anime humor and tantric sex
banerfee (5:40:27 PM): I just heard what is possibly the single funniest DBZ-related joke ever. And yet nobody online but the person who told me about it knows DBZ.
egonomadic (5:40:35 PM): aww
egonomadic (5:40:38 PM): i actually know a bit about it.
banerfee (5:40:41 PM): I feel like I've been put in a room full of beautiful willing supermodels, but I'm impotent.
egonomadic (5:40:42 PM): surprisingly.
banerfee (5:40:43 PM): Oh.
egonomadic (5:40:51 PM): so have a go.
banerfee (5:40:51 PM): Well, how many DBZ characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
egonomadic (5:41:13 PM): it doesn't matter because they'd take 47 episodes to do it.
banerfee (5:41:18 PM): Haha!
egonomadic (5:41:22 PM): (but what's the real answer?)
banerfee (5:41:24 PM): I was going to say "1, but it takes them him 3 episodes."
banerfee (5:41:27 PM): Which is really cool.
egonomadic (5:41:31 PM): hahahaha!!
banerfee (5:41:32 PM): Because you thought of the same thing.
banerfee (5:41:34 PM): That's awesome.
egonomadic (5:41:41 PM): except mine is cooler.
egonomadic (5:41:42 PM): because
egonomadic (5:41:43 PM): i'm cooler.
banerfee (5:42:03 PM): And that's because...*drum roll*
banerfee (5:42:06 PM): You have breasts!
banerfee (5:42:08 PM): *cheering in background*
egonomadic (5:42:11 PM): AMEN!
egonomadic (5:42:18 PM): *victory stance/cheesy grin*
egonomadic (5:42:55 PM): well now I'M feeling exceptionally clever. aren't you glad you told me? now you're just in a room with four bisexual supermodels who all want you badly AND you know tantra.
egonomadic (5:42:59 PM): and have a few days to spare.
banerfee (5:43:43 PM): Hell yes.
banerfee (5:43:56 PM): So, does this mean you're going to become a supermodel and have sex with me?
egonomadic (5:45:11 PM): mm..not quite.
egonomadic (5:45:35 PM): (are we quoted yet?? because that was hellafuckin quoteworthy.)
Me, on tuna
banerfee: Mmm
banerfee: Tuna sandwich
banerfee: There is no problem that solid white albacore cannot cure.
Fritz, on limericks
Acepenguinaim (12:09:53 AM): tell me more
Elephant3033 (12:09:53 AM): yeah
Elephant3033 (12:09:56 AM): about?
Elephant3033 (12:10:00 AM): micro?
Elephant3033 (12:10:02 AM): macro?
Elephant3033 (12:10:05 AM): pistons?
Elephant3033 (12:10:07 AM): euro?
Elephant3033 (12:10:12 AM): grinding?
Acepenguinaim (12:10:27 AM): combine it all into a limrick
there once was an ap called econ
so easy like finding a beacon
tony hawk's a great game
not playing is lame
without chauncey the pistons are weakened
Oscar Wilde, on eating
"I hate people who are not serious about meals. It is so shallow of them." - Oscar Wilde
Douglas Adams, on deadlines
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Winston Churchill, on modesty
"I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter." - Winston Churchill
Jules Feiffer, on Jesus
"Jesus died to forgive our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?" - Jules Feiffer
Napoleon Bonaparte, on strategy
"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Raj, on math
rajaholick (10:55:17 PM): heres one for your quotes page
rajaholick (10:55:26 PM): from the Petersons Arco AP calc book
rajaholick (10:55:43 PM): " How will I feel when the test is over?"
rajaholick (10:55:46 PM): thats the question
rajaholick (10:55:48 PM): answer...
rajaholick (10:55:57 PM): "Hopefully, you will still be able to funtion."
rajaholick (10:56:03 PM): ...yes...hopefully
banerfee (10:56:23 PM): Calc, sure, it's possible.
banerfee (10:56:26 PM): Physics, hell no.
rajaholick (10:56:52 PM): "Should I have the unit circle memorized?"
rajaholick (10:57:08 PM): "Oh, yes. The unit circle never dies--it lives to haunt your life."
rajaholick (10:57:15 PM): thats scary :- banerfee (10:58:53 PM): *shudder* Dear God, yes.
The Sloganizer, on bad meals
URtalking2shiv (10:53:37 PM): this is from
URtalking2shiv (10:53:39 PM): the slogan
URtalking2shiv (10:53:40 PM): thing
URtalking2shiv (10:53:42 PM): that site
URtalking2shiv (10:53:43 PM): Taste the Ass.
URtalking2shiv (10:54:05 PM): Penis - The Appetizer!
Me, on Windows XP, and Jeremy, on incest
banerfee (12:22:15 AM): Wow. Did you know that WinXP has a "View As Slide Show" option for folders containing pictures?
Jeremy31337 (12:22:22 AM): Yes.
banerfee (12:22:23 AM): I mean, talk about built-in masturbation support.
banerfee (12:22:27 AM): This is great.
Jeremy31337 (12:22:29 AM): LOL
Jeremy31337 (12:22:34 AM): I think it's more meant for family photos.
Jeremy31337 (12:22:40 AM): But sure.
banerfee (12:22:41 AM): ...ewww!
banerfee (12:22:46 AM): Who gets off on family photos?!
Me, on math and sex
banerfee (12:48:09 AM): It would be one of those stupidass functions like f(x) = 5
banerfee (12:48:53 AM): I hate those functions. They're so STUPID. I mean, they're easy to work with, but they're stupid.
banerfee (12:49:02 AM): Like having sex with a ditz. Sure, it's great during the act
Jeremy31337 (12:49:03 AM): Yes.
banerfee (12:49:12 AM): But afterwards you just want to beat your head against a wall
Jeremy31337 (12:49:21 AM): Yes.
banerfee (12:49:23 AM): Okay, it's official. I have no life.
Jeremy31337 (12:49:38 AM): Yes; you've just made numerous math analogies to sex.
banerfee (12:49:47 AM): Yep.
DJ and me, on avoiding prison rape
banerfee (11:49:21 PM): How about learning to break off dicks with the force of my sphincter?
banerfee (11:49:24 PM): That'd teach them a lesson.
banerfee (11:49:36 PM): ...although getting the damn things out might be a problem
JohDHJ (11:49:38 PM): can you really do that?
JohDHJ (11:49:44 PM): hahaha
banerfee (11:49:46 PM): I doubt it.
JohDHJ (11:49:48 PM): shit it out.
banerfee (11:49:52 PM): That would be a great superhero power.
banerfee (11:50:07 PM): "Dickbreaker! Bringing justice to every prison."
Me, on multiculturalism
banerfee (12:11:52 AM): A friend of mine took me cruising in her b/f's car
banerfee (12:11:55 AM): She just put new subs into it
banerfee (12:11:57 AM): It was tiiiiiiiiiiiiight
Crossfire1987 (12:12:00 AM): hahahah
Crossfire1987 (12:12:02 AM): sweeet
banerfee (12:12:06 AM): We rolled down the windows (this was up in MSU) and blasted rap
Crossfire1987 (12:12:12 AM): hahahahah
banerfee (12:12:12 AM): For a moment, I was not brown but black
Crossfire1987 (12:12:13 AM): jessssssss
banerfee (12:12:20 AM): And suddenly girls with large asses appealed to me
Raj, on good questions
In reference to an earlier conversation rajaholick (10:57:04 PM): hehe
rajaholick (10:57:07 PM): is that morgan
rajaholick (10:57:13 PM): her new sn or something?
banerfee (10:57:22 PM): Yeah.
banerfee (10:57:32 PM): ...that might be why I addressed her as Morgan.
rajaholick (10:57:48 PM): neil there is more than one morgan in this world
rajaholick (10:57:50 PM): morgan freeman
banerfee (10:58:25 PM): Yes, Raj. I got Morgan Freeman's screenname.
rajaholick (10:58:44 PM): sweeeet
rajaholick (10:59:03 PM): ask him if playing a black president in deep impact had a deep impact on his life
rajaholick (10:59:08 PM): i've always wanted to ask him that
The Sloganizer, on Your Mom
KPU0 (11:43:03 PM): KPU0 (11:43:29 PM): Works great with Your Mom
banerfee (11:43:59 PM): Seen it before
banerfee (11:44:00 PM): Amazing
KPU0 (11:44:45 PM): Just Do Your Mom.
banerfee (11:45:07 PM): HAHAHA
KPU0 (11:45:34 PM): "Can't Do It In Real Life? Do It On Your Mom."
banerfee (11:45:49 PM): LOL!
banerfee (11:45:56 PM): Sweet as the Moment When the Your Mom Went "Pop"
banerfee (11:46:19 PM): Spreads Straight from the Your Mom.
banerfee (11:46:51 PM): Reach Out and Touch Your Mom.
banerfee (11:52:44 PM): Nobody Does It Like Your Mom.
KPU0 (11:52:51 PM): lol
KPU0 (11:52:57 PM): Get Busy with the Linux.
KPU0 (11:53:06 PM): Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Your Mom
banerfee (11:56:18 PM): Whatever You're I banerfee (11:52:44 PM): Nobody Does It Like Your Mom.
KPU0 (11:52:51 PM): lol
KPU0 (11:52:57 PM): Get Busy with the Linux.
KPU0 (11:53:06 PM): Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Your Mom
banerfee (11:56:18 PM): Whatever You're Into, Get Into Your Mom.
Tyler, on great pickup lines
I would love to run naked with you! Do you know how much weight I'd lose puking? - Tyler
Kenneth, on true loneliness
KPU0 (10:03:10 PM): The way she sounds on the phone. . . it's like calling up phone sex and talking about MS Word.
banerfee (10:03:57 PM): She has a sultry voice.
banerfee (10:04:02 PM): It's nice.
KPU0 (10:05:21 PM): Sometimes, really late at night, I could use a slutty voice talking about computers.
DJ and me, on blackmail
banerfee (1:24:47 AM): WOOT
JohDHJ (1:24:56 AM): In all the four years I've been at LHS, I've never had this happen for ME!
JohDHJ (1:24:56 AM): YOU lucky bastards.
JohDHJ (1:25:35 AM): Admit it, you bought someone off inside the administration, didn't you?
JohDHJ (1:25:54 AM): what kind of dirt did you have on him?
JohDHJ (1:25:54 AM): or her?
banerfee (1:26:30 AM): I found out what happened to the boy who "transferred to Andover."
banerfee (1:26:40 AM): Poor kid was chained up in DrJ's basement for months.
banerfee (1:26:46 AM): *sob* The memories are so awful...
Rohit, on true happiness
JESSSSSS, i have finally entered the sacred temple that is neil's quotespage. who would have thought tat goatse would do some good. :-P - Buddy Info of Crossfire1987
Rohit, on love
After telling a story about a guy who tricked his girl into seeing goatse banerfee (11:49:08 PM): She still loves him.
banerfee (11:49:10 PM): Which is nuts.
Crossfire1987 (11:49:11 PM): haha ic
Crossfire1987 (11:49:15 PM): yea reely
Crossfire1987 (11:49:24 PM): oooo ic how it is tho man
Crossfire1987 (11:49:29 PM): love is blind rite?
banerfee (11:49:31 PM): Yeah.
banerfee (11:49:32 PM): Basically.
Crossfire1987 (11:49:36 PM): so lookin at goatseman didnt do nething
Crossfire1987 (11:49:38 PM): cuz shes blind
Me, on divine punishment
JohDHJ (11:54:36 PM): *shudder*
JohDHJ (11:54:43 PM): why is Dr J so.... odd?
banerfee (11:55:41 PM): Punishment for mankind's sins.
Brian and Morgan, on Dr J
Rusty7887 (8:56:10 PM): can i go to [Quiz Bowl] states?
banerfee (8:57:06 PM): Yes.
Rusty7887 (8:57:58 PM): really?
Rusty7887 (8:57:58 PM): YAYA
Rusty7887 (9:00:17 PM): am i a "I think so" or a Yes your going fo sho"
banerfee (9:01:35 PM): That's an "If things go the way they're going now, you'll be able to go for $20"
banerfee (9:01:41 PM): DrJ is ONLY paying for Blair's room.
Rusty7887 (9:02:25 PM): WHAT
banerfee (9:02:30 PM): Yeah.
Rusty7887 (9:03:13 PM): what a dillhole
Some time later...
Rusty7887 (9:05:57 PM): Where the FUCK is the school funding
FluFFaYgoAt (9:06:17 PM): in her pants. or perhaps her mattress.
FluFFaYgoAt (9:06:24 PM): im sure shes saving up for a nice trip to the bahamas.
Rusty7887 (9:06:50 PM): or a plastic surgery on her neck...
Oscar Wilde, on friendship
A true friend stabs you in the front. - Oscar Wilde
Mark Guido, on The Man sticking it back
Hotels are tired of getting ripped off. I checked into a hotel and they had towels from my house. - Mark Guido
Jeremy and me, on racial distributions
banerfee (10:48:44 PM): Do you have a final date on Frankenmuth?
RerhufRed (10:49:07 PM): i was thinking 19 but it's tentative......
RerhufRed (10:49:17 PM): cuz my mom wants to go to omaha
RerhufRed (10:49:21 PM): to visit her mom
banerfee (10:49:23 PM): Omaha NEBRASKA?
RerhufRed (10:49:26 PM): ya
banerfee (10:49:28 PM): Whoa.
Jeremy31337 (10:51:07 PM): A Muslim in Nebraska?
Some time later...
RerhufRed (10:54:38 PM): y did he say "A Muslim in Nebraska?"?
banerfee (10:54:53 PM): Nebraska ...
banerfee (10:55:06 PM): It doesn't have a reputation for racial diversity.
banerfee (10:55:40 PM): In fact it's part of that subset of the Midwest where it's rumored that many don't believe that dark-skinned people exist.
Ashley, on feminine hygiene
ForestFireCat (10:47:11 PM): Tampons make me horny
banerfee (10:47:36 PM): I'll be sure to buy you some ridged ones when we meet.
banerfee (10:47:42 PM): Vibrating tampons!
ForestFireCat (10:47:49 PM): -_-0
Unknown, on how to teach
If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he will eat for the rest of his life.
If you build a man a fire, you warm him for a day. If you set a man on fire.... hey, at least he's warm for the remainder of his life.
-Popular Saying
Fritz, on bargain prices
Elephant3033: in the context of talking to a girl about having sex with me for my birthday:
Elephant3033 [9:53 PM]: usually its considered a little rude to give a gift worth less than $20... but for you i promise i wont be offended
Me, on college admissions
Jeremy31337 (10:08:21 PM): My brother is a semi-finalist in a Young-Playwrights Competition.
Jeremy31337 (10:08:28 PM): If he wins, his play is performed on Broadway.
banerfee (10:08:53 PM): Wow.
banerfee (10:08:56 PM): That's very impressive.
Jeremy31337 (10:08:56 PM): He's definitely going to get into Harvard.
banerfee (10:09:11 PM): You sure? He has that A- on his record.
Jeremy31337 (10:09:16 PM): LOL
Raj, on my work habits
rajaholick (9:38:29 PM): what u up to?
banerfee (9:38:48 PM): Physics outline
rajaholick (9:38:54 PM): hah
rajaholick (9:38:58 PM): u actually doing it?
rajaholick (9:38:59 PM): WTF
rajaholick (9:39:09 PM): this is an april fools joke rite?
banerfee (9:39:38 PM): HAHAHA
Me, on feminine hygiene
Succubus: hey, how can i prevent from leaking even though my tampon's in me?
Banerfee: Duct tape.
Jeremy, on true love
Jeremy31337 (8:04:58 PM): I love you more than I love screwing over the poor and the elderly.
Dave, on good relationships
Dave: I'd institute a no-yelling policy with my girlfriend. If one of us yells, we'd have to make up for it with oral sex.
DJ: So I expect that you'll be trying to get her pissed off on a daily basis?
Ashley, on making me sexy
ForestFireCat (10:08:08 PM): Please use the red lip stick
ForestFireCat (10:08:14 PM): it really brings out your eyes
banerfee (10:08:19 PM): Oh, yes, thank you.
ForestFireCat (10:08:24 PM): ^.~
banerfee (10:08:29 PM): I hate it when I mess up my makeup.
ForestFireCat (10:08:34 PM): I know
ForestFireCat (10:08:39 PM): Well pink is just too light
ForestFireCat (10:08:43 PM): and...not sexy enough
banerfee (10:08:54 PM): It doesn't suit my complexion.
ForestFireCat (10:08:58 PM): you need something that says "LOOK AT MY SEXINESS"
ForestFireCat (10:08:59 PM): Yes
Will and Karen, on national security
Will: You know, I just remembered who was given the Key to the City of Detroit in 1980 ... Saddam Hussein.
Karen: No wonder our school's doors are locked.
Me, on priorities
banerfee (6:41:37 PM): Forget about your girlfriend, dammit, your E-mail server was down for a DAY!
Me, on secretarial duties
Meghan6789 (6:46:25 PM): GOD!
banerfee (6:46:47 PM): He's busy right now, can I take a message?
Me, on driving
tiswHAtshesaid (2:28:08 PM): do you drive?
banerfee (2:28:10 PM): Nope
banerfee (2:28:12 PM): Not at all.
tiswHAtshesaid (2:28:18 PM): ah therein lies our problam.
banerfee (2:29:13 PM): Indeed, fair Shelley, forasmuch that shouldst I dare to manipulate the mighty wheel and twofold pedals which doth move so many from hither to thither, the consequences shouldst be most dire.
Anonymous, on the Olympics
[removed] (2:42:52 PM): ever noticed at the olympics, black people are good at running, and white people good at shooting?
Charles Barkley, on irony
You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the French accuse the US of being arrogant, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the Swiss holds the America Cup (a sailing award). - Charles Barkley, on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Karen, on showing them who's boss
Jeremy: Karen, everyone thinks you're such a femenazi.
Karen: Well, that's too bad for them, because I give good head!
Me, on good decisions
banerfee (3:38:07 PM): I don't like vomiting on my books.
Morgan, on the finer things in life
banerfee (4:24:50 PM): looking forward to your trip?
FluFFaYgoAt (4:24:56 PM): uh
FluFFaYgoAt (4:25:03 PM): monks cooking me breakfast? hell yes.
Me, on wishful thinking
banerfee (3:00:53 PM): It's fine, though, I'm waiting until college for a relationship.
banerfee (3:01:00 PM): No point in having one now.
breakthedoors (3:01:00 PM): take it light for a while
banerfee (3:01:02 PM): Yeah.
banerfee (3:01:16 PM): I'll limit myself to random hookups and one-night stands.
Daria, on excellent away messages
banerfee (12:47:14 AM): Can you possibly resist the temptation to have sex with me?
Auto response from dashka15 (12:47:15 AM): whatever the hell it is you are going to tell me, the answer is NO
banerfee (12:47:20 AM): As I thought.
Morgan and me, on poetry and programming
FluFFaYgoAt (8:55:16 PM): A villanelle has six sets of verses. The first five sets have three lines per verse.The sixth verse has four lines. The structure of the first five verses is first and third lines end with rhyming words. The second lines throughout the first five verses rhyme in their ending words. The sixth verse has four lines and the first, third and fourth lines all rhyme with the first and last lines of the other five verses. The second line rhymes with the second line of the first five verses.
banerfee (8:55:53 PM): Wow.
FluFFaYgoAt (8:55:56 PM): yeah.
FluFFaYgoAt (8:55:58 PM): its crazy.
banerfee (8:56:05 PM): ...I always thought poets were silly
FluFFaYgoAt (8:56:17 PM): but now you know theyre obsessive compulsive, too?
banerfee (8:56:28 PM): This reinforces my belief that truly worthy human beings write in C++ code and not in English.
Me, on beauty sleep
banerfee (11:38:14 PM): Get your beauty sleep... >_< you need it
DJ, on bad habits
JohDHJ (11:30:20 PM): I've taken Bengay up the ass.
JohDHJ (11:30:24 PM): it doesn't phase me anymore.
Me, on bad decisions
ScorpioAngel118 (8:23:14 PM): wut grade r u inn??
banerfee (8:23:44 PM): 11th
ScorpioAngel118 (8:23:52 PM): o0o0o coo
ScorpioAngel118 (8:23:54 PM): juNiOR
banerfee (8:24:52 PM): More like a senior, with my schedule.
ScorpioAngel118 (8:25:05 PM): coo..das cuz ur reallii smart
banerfee (8:25:21 PM): No, it's because I'm reallllllllllyyyyy masochistic.
Shiv, on subliminal messaging
URtalking2Shiv (8:38:22 PM): dojfksdljfkf sd neil jdshfjshdfds fhdjfhsd is fja sdjkfsdakf sfhsf jsakl f just so jdshfjkssdhfjsdf shfhsa dfj sdfhakjfhsdf gay
URtalking2Shiv (8:38:33 PM): do u get it
banerfee (8:40:13 PM): gee
banerfee (8:40:16 PM): For some reason
banerfee (8:40:17 PM): I feel gay
Me, on bad ideas
Meghan6789: neil, what should i give up for lent?
banerfee: Orgasms.
Meghan6789: NO
Me, on giving in easily
After proofreading her essayMeghan6789 (10:15:31 PM): neil, you are a demi-god
banerfee (10:15:50 PM): (in bed)
Meghan6789 (10:16:00 PM): HAHA
Meghan6789 (10:16:06 PM): put that on the quotes page
Fritz, on vigilantism
Elephant3033 (11:16:29 PM): i became an online vigilante, armed with 15 ghost screen names and a warn button
banerfee (11:17:15 PM): What are you doing on AIM? Go write a bestselling autobiography.
Nurse, on pregnancy
Nurse: Any chance of you being pregnant?
Ragini: No ... I'm sure.
Nurse: Are you sure?
Ragini: Yes ... I'm very sure ...
Nurse: Maybe you just don't remember ...
Manley, on logic
"Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence." - Manley's Maxim
Kenneth, on bad questions
(21:09:53) dashka15: my dad thinks im a whore
(21:09:57) dashka15: but i dont care
(21:11:57) dashka15: anyway, he literally thinks i like charge [for sex]
(21:12:22) KPU0: well, is he right?
UMich students, on their university
"U of M is like unprotected sex ... you're glad to get in, and then you're sorry you came." - Popular saying at the University of Michigan
Unknown, on parking
"Girls are like parking spots, all the good ones are taken." - Popular Saying
Prof_Stupid, on relationships
Succubus: I used to have sex with different people all the time. But if you stick to one person, it gets better and better, because they actually know what you like.
Prof_Stupid: It gets boring after a while, not better.
E: How long was your longest relationship?
Prof_Stupid: Define relationship.
E: From the time you said "let's go out" to "I think we should break up."
Prof_Stupid: Maybe two weeks. Although I don't generally "go out" with a girl, I "come in" her.
Stacey, on produce
breakthedoors (5:04:31 PM): i am pushing the limits of boredom right now
breakthedoors (5:04:39 PM): i need to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING
banerfee (5:05:00 PM): I have a plan
banerfee (5:05:05 PM): Step 1 involves a cucumber
banerfee (5:05:09 PM): Step 2 involves KY jelly
breakthedoors (5:05:09 PM): why am i worried
banerfee (5:05:12 PM): Step 3 involves a webcam
breakthedoors (5:05:14 PM): OK, now i know why im worried
breakthedoors (5:05:15 PM): and no
banerfee (5:05:18 PM): And Step 4 involves me getting very very rich
breakthedoors (5:05:18 PM): no and no
breakthedoors (5:05:21 PM): lol
breakthedoors (5:05:22 PM): no
Meghan, on sticking it to The Man
banerfee (5:02:08 PM): How did you get open lunch?
Meghan6789 (5:02:24 PM): aside from sleeping with dan?
banerfee (5:02:29 PM): Aside from sleeping with Dan.
Meghan6789 (5:03:05 PM): i signed up for community service class for the first day of 2nd semester, got my open lunch pass, then switched to ap english
banerfee (5:03:15 PM): HAHAHAAHA
banerfee (5:03:20 PM): That's f'ing brilliant
banerfee (5:03:29 PM): That's really f'ing brilliant
Meghan6789 (5:03:37 PM): is it worth quoting?
banerfee (5:03:40 PM): No.
Goodman, on asking for trouble
banerfee (9:43:31 PM): Speaking of which, I do need to update the quotes page.
banerfee (9:43:49 PM): Say something quoteworthy.
a g0od man (9:44:06 PM): *runs away*
banerfee (9:44:14 PM): Heh
banerfee (9:44:16 PM): It'll do.
a g0od man (9:44:30 PM): NO YOU CAN'T QUOTE ME
banerfee (9:44:35 PM): ...whyever not?
a g0od man (9:44:54 PM): hmm... I wasn't prepared to answer that...
banerfee (9:44:59 PM): Too late
Dao, on setting the bar high
banerfee (3:24:04 PM): I barely slid through that class with an A-
Daovonnaex (3:24:12 PM): Uh oh, A-.
banerfee (3:24:20 PM): No, nothing wrong with an A-
banerfee (3:24:31 PM): I usually have no difficulty holding an A in most classes, though.
Daovonnaex (3:24:35 PM): Not if your parents are indian...
Daovonnaex (3:24:38 PM): You're going to have to turn to drugs and prostitution now.
The American Navy, on bravado
Actual radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities. Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid collision.
Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR Course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
Canadians: We are a lighthouse. Your call.
Karen, on education and prostitution
CullyUU: you are helping me with my computer
CullyUU: I'm very illiterate
banerfee: Can I quote you on "CullyUU: I'm very illiterate"
banerfee: Out of context?
CullyUU: yes
CullyUU: I love it!
banerfee: Haha, okay
CullyUU: you could even say grandiosely illiterate!
banerfee: No.
banerfee: That's not how it works, see.
banerfee: I put it up as it came.
CullyUU: along with, you know, being a shoulder whore
banerfee: Shoulder whore. I like that.
CullyUU: aight
CullyUU: an illiterate shoulder whore
DJ, on self-improvement
JohDHJ (10:49:30 PM): I've been thinking about a sex change.
JohDHJ (10:49:35 PM): specifically, I could start having some.
Me, on American culture
Banerfee: You're an uncultured swine.
KevinX: Sure I have a culture. I was born in AMERICA!! I'm also white.
Banerfee: I rest my case
Ashley, on footwear
banerfee (12:12:36 AM): I like her boots
forestfirecat (12:12:44 AM): Same
forestfirecat (12:12:51 AM): very sexy boots
banerfee (12:13:36 AM): Very.
forestfirecat (12:14:14 AM): I wonder if she'll let us have sex with them
forestfirecat (12:14:25 AM): >p
banerfee (12:14:31 AM): I call the left one
Morgan, on conspiracies
FluFFaYgoAt (6:31:31 PM): hey--im on your quotes page! i love it when that happens.
A few moments later...
banerfee (6:32:48 PM): I guess you'll really like my latest update, then.
FluFFaYgoAt (6:33:22 PM): ?
banerfee (6:33:30 PM): Reload the page.
FluFFaYgoAt (6:33:44 PM): as if i didnt see that coming.
banerfee (6:33:49 PM): I know.
banerfee (6:33:52 PM): But hey, it's all good.
FluFFaYgoAt (6:34:01 PM): its all a part of my master plan to completely take over your quotes.
banerfee (6:34:12 PM): Whatever you're trying, it's working.
DJ, on cruel and unusual punishment
JohDHJ (2:43:41 AM): imagine...
JohDHJ (2:43:47 AM): your nice soft bed..
JohDHJ (2:43:50 AM): waiting for you...
JohDHJ (2:43:53 AM): in your room..
JohDHJ (2:44:04 AM): your sleepy head falling onto that cool soft pillow..
JohDHJ (2:44:11 AM): snuggling up deep within your blankets..
JohDHJ (2:44:20 AM): protected from the cold outside...
JohDHJ (2:44:27 AM): as your body slowly warms your covers...
banerfee (2:44:32 AM): dude
JohDHJ (2:44:34 AM): your eyes slowly droop
JohDHJ (2:44:40 AM): you yawn...
JohDHJ (2:44:43 AM): then you close your eyes...
banerfee (2:44:43 AM): that's like discussing niagara falls with someone who really needs to piss
banerfee (2:44:45 AM): below the belt
JohDHJ (2:44:50 AM): your breathing slows...
JohDHJ (2:44:54 AM): evens out...
JohDHJ (2:45:00 AM): and you're blissfully asleep
The jenga shipwreck bot, on Eric Fritz
jenga shipwreck (2:32:58 AM): Eric fritz is like unprotected dystrophy: you're glad you got in, but you wish you were made out of this fully armed and operational battle station.
Sushil, on Prady
banerfee (10:30:23 PM): Check this out!
banerfee (10:30:26 PM): Prady's rap
banerfee (10:30:27 PM): yo, i'm not in a hurry
my beat is hot like curry
when i hit the lyrics i'm the beast
you know i am the storm from the east
I can be a strong like Ghengis Khan
I can change into a genius with my magic wand
I'll continue later this fat beat
I the man who can turn on the heat
SUSHiGUP (10:30:48 PM): that is so bad
SUSHiGUP (10:30:50 PM): i want to cry
SUSHiGUP (10:30:53 PM): if i hear anymore
SUSHiGUP (10:31:00 PM): i'll poke out my left eye
SUSHiGUP (10:31:02 PM): *sigh*
Dan, on setting the bar low
Dan: That site is a lot better than
Ashley, on the bare necessities
forestfirecat (11:37:54 PM): phone sex and pizza
forestfirecat (11:37:59 PM): all a guy ever needs
DavidL1112 (11:38:07 PM): EXACTLY
Hector Berlioz, on a positive outlook
"Time is the greatest teacher. Unfortunately, it kills all of its pupils." - Hector Berlioz
Me, on pessimism
banerfee (3:01:09 PM): I'm about to have my first Linux experience.
Jeremy31337 (3:01:13 PM): Really?
Jeremy31337 (3:01:23 PM): Is that like your first sexual experience?
banerfee (3:01:34 PM): No, this one is actually going to happen at some point.
Jeremy31337 (3:01:41 PM): LOL
Raj, on bad ideas
banerfee (5:27:26 PM): Usama got 216
rajaholick (5:27:30 PM): heh
rajaholick (5:27:31 PM): fuck usama
banerfee (5:27:37 PM): I'd rather not, thank you very much
Calvin and Hobbes, on universal truth
"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless." - Calvin and Hobbes
rDX913, on Nazis
baniazsidog (11:02:49 PM): ahh confuzzlement
acepenguinaim (11:02:58 PM): haha well said
r DX9 13 (11:02:58 PM): hey who's nazidog
DJ, on the Quotes Page
In reference to this pageJohDHJ: It's a source of amusement for me.
JohDHJ: and just amusement.
banerfee: That's good
banerfee: I didn't want it to be a source of arousal
JohDHJ: Well..
JohDHJ: now that you mention it..........
JohDHJ: ;-)
DJ, on the metric system
banerfee (8:13:30 PM): A Canadian sniper shot an Al-Qaida gunner at a range of over two miles last fall.
banerfee (8:13:40 PM): over two miles!
banerfee (8:13:53 PM): Of course, being Canadese, he measured it in meters.
JohDHJ (8:13:58 PM): I can do that.
banerfee (8:14:20 PM): In combat?
JohDHJ (8:14:47 PM): yeah. I can measure in meters
Unknown, on my life
"Procrastination is like masturbation: it's fun when you're doing it, but you only end up screwing yourself." - Popular Saying
DJ, on sanity
In reference to Tom's two quotes...
JohDHJ (12:27:37 AM): You
JohDHJ (12:27:38 AM): are
JohDHJ (12:27:39 AM): insane.
banerfee (12:27:54 AM): That sums it up, yes.
JohDHJ (12:38:15 AM): Lay off the drugs, Neil.
banerfee (12:38:31 AM): Not a chance.
JohDHJ (12:38:33 AM): I know it seems like a wonderful and exciting new habit, where you meet lots of interesting and colorful people..
JohDHJ (12:38:37 AM): but in the end...
JohDHJ (12:38:43 AM): you'll only end up eating yourself.
banerfee (12:39:13 AM): I thought it was odd that those chicken nuggets hurt when I ate them. I guess that explains the bloody stumps on the edges of my hands.
Tom, on calculus
TAPOTTI (12:18:30 AM): what if u proved that calculus couldn't exist
TAPOTTI (12:18:34 AM): that would be a blow too
banerfee (12:18:39 AM): Hell yes!
banerfee (12:19:03 AM): "Listen, Isaac, I can see why you're so thrilled about this derivative business...hey, is that a bottle of vodka?!"
TAPOTTI (12:20:49 AM): "o btw, i just found out that calculus is basically an extension of the recipie for brownies"
banerfee (12:22:42 AM): d/dx(chocolate) + d/dy(dough) = brownie^2
TAPOTTI (12:24:20 AM): "now i'll just replace chocolate with x^2, dough with y^3, and brownie with E 5z-2, VOILA"
banerfee (12:25:03 AM): Ladies and gentlemen, we have discovered chocolate frosting!
banerfee (12:25:06 AM): *applause*
TAPOTTI (12:26:03 AM): they recently discovered that newton was a chef with multipersonality disorder
TAPOTTI (12:26:11 AM): (psychopath)
banerfee (12:26:34 AM): Basically.
Tom, on Sir Isaac Newton
TAPOTTI (12:14:23 AM): damn physics
TAPOTTI (12:14:28 AM): easy yet hard
banerfee (12:14:30 AM): Heh
TAPOTTI (12:14:36 AM): wtf was sir issac newton thinkin
TAPOTTI (12:14:48 AM): yes, an apple dropped on his head
TAPOTTI (12:14:50 AM): so damn what
TAPOTTI (12:14:52 AM): eat the damn apple
Goodman, on Thanksgiving
a g0od man (11:47:48 PM): I don't understand why people like Thanksgiving - it is probably the most fowl day of the year.
banerfee (11:48:11 PM): *twitches and dies*
a g0od man (11:48:23 PM): you've been doing that a lot lately. Are you okay?
Bum, on international cuisine
Neil says: So, how was your Korean thanksgiving?
Neil says: I've always wondered, does the dog taste better with salt or pepper?
sbpsparky says: well it depends on the dog
sbpsparky says: a sheperd is better with pepper
sbpsparky says: i personally think...
sbpsparky says: they taste more crunch with it
Neil says: Hmmm...fascinating.
sbpsparky says: u wanna taste?
Neil says: No, I think I'll be fine.
sbpsparky says: yep a thanksgiving dog. with stuffing. delicious
Peter, on sobriety
Entire conversation 00:15:14 petersez2u: what the
00:15:21 banerfee: I have no idea.
00:15:24 banerfee: Try the one on the left.
Virginia Woolf, on good habits
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf
Me, on Spongebob Squarepants
SUSHiGUP: she likes spongebob
banerfee: Oh, yeah, and he's gonna steal her away from you
banerfee: Spongebob's nose is a fucking phallus.
banerfee: He's gonna give her nasal sex.
SUSHiGUP: hhhahahaa
Robin Williams, on winter sports
"What drunk German gynecologist came up with the luge? 'Hmm, I going to dress up like sperm, shove an ice skate up my ass, and go balls first down an ice chute. Jah, that vill be fun.'" - Robin Williams
Me, on self-control
"I wish I had an On/Off switch for my genitals." - Me
Beth Van Dyke, on love
"Surprise, surprise to the guys who think they're the exception to the rule. She's faking it. That's right. It's not hard. All we have to do is throw in an 'ooh' and a couple of 'aahs,' gyrate the hips and you guys think you're the Jedi Master." - Beth Van Dyke
Anna Schleelein, on education
"College is screwed up. It's not real life. They took 6,000 of us who are in our sexual prime and crammed us into a dorm room where there's nowhere to sit except on the bed. Members of the opposite---or same, of course---gender are but a single flight of stairs away, and often right next door." - Anna Schleelein
Tom, on bad habits
Megapottiman (8:54:53 PM): procrastination is ur weakness
Megapottiman (8:54:57 PM): one day it will eat u alive
Megapottiman (8:55:06 PM): like majin buu
Tom, on side jobs
banerfee (8:39:26 PM): It's a dangerous Internet out there
Megapottiman (8:39:48 PM): o i would know
Megapottiman (8:39:50 PM): i made half of it
banerfee (8:40:23 PM): So you're the guy in the goatse picture!
banerfee (8:40:26 PM): I KNEW IT!@
Megapottiman (8:41:10 PM): (>_<')
Kasumi, on fine dining
I'm going to cook your dog and eat it---KOREAN BBQ STYLE! -
George Bernard Shaw, on food
"There is no love sincerer than the love of food." - George Bernard Shaw
Travis, on machines and cats
sound gurilla (9:40:05 PM): my machine is a beast, so..
sound gurilla (9:41:03 PM): it could eat you
sound gurilla (9:41:34 PM): it ate my cat
Dubya, on himself
"They misunderestimated me." - George W. Bush
Me, on goatse
banerfee (1:25:36 AM): Goatse just isn't getting you off
like it used to?
Herr Mawani (1:25:43 AM): Nope
Herr Mawani (1:25:45 AM): Errr
Herr Mawani (1:25:47 AM): Damnit ;-;
Siegesallee, on extinction
Herr Mawani: Surrender to my mammoth penis!
banerfee: ...
Siegesallee: What? Is it extinct too?
banerfee: Hahahahahhaa!!!!
Kenneth, on typoes
KPU0: I told the staff person who keeps getting bug to tell
the teachers to give me less homework.
KPU0: bugges
KPU0: dugged
KPU0: bugged
KPU0: Amazing how long that took me to spell correctly
KPU0: I'm surprised I didn't put drugged in there
Goodman, on patriotism
a g0od man: i need someone with a speech impediment to read
the line :"the symbol of american pride is the eagle"
such that it would sound as "the symbol of americal pride
is the ego"
banerfee: Hahahahaha!
banerfee: A sad social commentary in that it's true...
Goodman, on laziness
a g0od man: laziness is a virtue....
a g0od man: and i don't feel like finishing that
banerfee: Agreed.
banerfee: Hahahahaha
a g0od man: In Spanish 300 last year Eddie Cusack and I
thought about having a laziness contest, but we didn't
really feel like it
Two anonymous people, on assmonkeys
Person1: I especially missed my ass monkey
Person2: I'm sure that whoever he is, he missed you
Person1: YOU
Person1: You used to be my assmonkey
Person1: *sob* have you forgotten all the loving I've
given you?
Person2: ...riiiiight.
Person2: No, my ass will always be loyal...
Person2: (but don't tell anyone)
Person2: I'm trying to keep my closet homosexuality on the
Person2: Hence "closet"
Jeremy, on whores
Jeremy: You know how I said that all women seem to dress up
as whores on Halloween?
Jeremy: Well, there are like 8 girls who are my brother's
friends at my house.
Jeremy: And they're ALL DRESSED UP AS WHORES!!!
Stacey, on slang and suffixes
breakthedoors (9:57:41 PM): woot
breakthedoors (9:57:45 PM): woot-tastic
Rush, on lust for me
Rush8604: i couldn't fall asleep!
banerfee: Hah
banerfee: That's because of your deep desire for me
Rush8604: oh yes neil
Rush8604: i want you so bad
Matt, on himself
Morgan, on Goodman
a g0od man (10:58:14 PM): normal people scare me
FluFFaYgoAt (10:58:17 PM): ??!
FluFFaYgoAt (10:58:20 PM): you just became
FluFFaYgoAt (10:58:28 PM): a whiney gothic teenage girl.
DJ, on terrible pranks
JohDHJ (9:42:19 PM): something that'd be bad and
JohDHJ (9:42:54 PM): if you know someone who likes to use
vaseline to lube themself up and then stimulate themself
anally.. well, replace the vaseline or lace it heavily with
Jeremy, on trunks and tarmacs
Jeremy31337 (6:07:07 PM): Are you going to be going out to
lunch next year?
Banerfee (6:07:17 PM): err...possibly...
Jeremy31337 (6:08:14 PM): You can just go in my trunk.
Banerfee (6:08:28 PM): I wouldn't mind...
Jeremy31337 (6:08:37 PM): We can pull the tarmac over
Banerfee (6:08:42 PM): ...tarmac?
Banerfee (6:08:44 PM): You mean TARP.
A few moments later...Jeremy31337 (6:09:54 PM): Are you going to add that to your
quotes page?
Banerfee (6:09:58 PM): Yes.
Jeremy31337 (6:12:40 PM): It makes me look stupid.
Banerfee (6:12:58 PM): ...that's the POINT, bozo.
Jeremy31337 (6:13:06 PM): But I'm not that stupid.
Banerfee (6:13:35 PM): I'm sure.
A few moments later...
JohDHJ (9:26:46 PM): Tarmac = the stuff on roads.
JohDHJ (9:26:54 PM): it'd kill you if they covered you
with it.
JohDHJ (9:27:03 PM): It makes Jeremy look stupid.
Banerfee (9:28:05 PM): That's the point.
A few moments later...
a g0od man (11:05:20 PM): well, looking at what you did to
Jeremy31337 I shouldn't complain...
a g0od man (11:05:44 PM): tarmac? isn't that where they put planes?
banerfee (11:05:46 PM): Yeah.
DJ, on dogs
JohDHJ: You know what's a bad sign?
JohDHJ: When your dog looks attractive.
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