The Quotes Page
From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.
Good quotes are good times - Sushil
(00:30:33) Morgan Hurley: congrats on your new monitor
(00:30:40) Neil B: Thank you.
(00:30:45) Neil B: I've taken pictures already with my new camera.
(00:30:49) Neil B: I should hook it up and put them online.
(00:31:22) Morgan Hurley: where are you getting all this new stuff?
(00:31:53) Neil B: I sell babies for crack, then I sell the crack for prostitutes. Then I kill the prostitutes and sell their organs on the black market in Mexico.
(00:32:05) Neil B: Either that or pays well.
(00:32:07) Neil B: Your pick.
(00:32:13) Morgan Hurley: :O