The Quotes Page
From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.
Good quotes are good times - Sushil
FirstMilBy21 (3:46:31 PM): so what are you doing tonite
banerfee (3:48:13 PM): Grad party and then hanging out w/Manisha
FirstMilBy21 (3:48:28 PM): hot
FirstMilBy21 (3:48:38 PM): the grad party, not manisha
FirstMilBy21 (3:48:46 PM): wait, that came out mean
FirstMilBy21 (3:48:52 PM): manisha is hot
banerfee (3:48:57 PM):'re done.
FirstMilBy21 (3:51:22 PM): ok, shes not hot in that sense
FirstMilBy21 (3:51:31 PM): cuz i dont wanna give you the impresion that i'd hit that
banerfee (3:51:35 PM): I appreciate your effort
banerfee (3:51:40 PM): I mean, you're trying hard and I respect that
FirstMilBy21 (3:51:41 PM): but i would hit that
banerfee (3:51:43 PM): But let's just move on
FirstMilBy21 (3:51:46 PM): if it was hittable