The Quotes Page
From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.
Good quotes are good times - Sushil
banerfee (3:59:20 PM): lol
Auto response from breakthedoors (3:59:21 PM): sleeping, then up early to contine this insane studying streak... i've learned my lesson for next semester. procrastination=bad.
banerfee (3:59:23 PM): That's cute.
banerfee (3:59:28 PM): You think you've learned a lesson.
banerfee (3:59:31 PM): Nobody ever learns that lesson.
breakthedoors (6:38:51 PM): lol, and you think Im the one that can't learn a lesson. mr "oh well, i'll just fail." :-P
Auto response from banerfee (6:38:51 PM): Dinner and then some serious crunch time for EECS 270 lab ... but I really think I can pull this off.
Well, if I don't, no biggie. I just fail the class.