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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Meghan, on deaf people

Meghan6789: so the phone rings, and i pick it up and this old hispanic woman is like "hello, this is the Smith TTD service, have you ever gotten a call from us before?" and I was like "no" and she said "Just speak whenever I say "okay to go" and I said okay and all i hear is typing
Meghan6789: so she's like "oh baby oh baby, i want you so bad"
Meghan6789: and i not only am i shocked that this old woman is saying this to me, but that some deaf person i don't know is saying it is weird too
Meghan6789: so i was like "do i know you"
banerfee: Could be a hearing person, you know.
Meghan6789: NO it couldn't be
Meghan6789: and i'll explain why in a minute
Meghan6789: so then she types and says "come to my room now, i need you so bad"
Meghan6789: and then i said "i'm going to hang up if you don't tell me who this is"
Meghan6789: and she says "no baby, don't go" and i said "ok, i'm hanging up now" and as I hang up I hear this old woman yelling "no baby come to my room, i need you so bad, i want you baby oh baby"
Meghan6789: now, i did some research
Meghan6789: and the only way to put a call through the TTD service is through a TTD phone
Meghan6789: they don't have an AIM service or anything
Meghan6789: so this person was clearly deaf, or had access to a TTD phone
Meghan6789: now, you tell me what sick deaf person goes through TTD to make sex calls?

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