The Quotes Page
From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.
Good quotes are good times - Sushil
(23:34:11) Meghan: i don't like bad taste
(23:34:17) Meghan: tastes bad
(23:34:26) Neil B: Don't steal my sense of humor.
(23:34:28) Neil B: :-P
(23:34:33) Meghan: that was a neil joke
(23:34:38) Neil B: I know
(23:34:44) Meghan: you've rubbed off on me
(23:34:53) Meghan: (don't say anything about rubbing on me)
(23:35:54) Meghan: or rubbing off
(23:35:58) Meghan: or rubbing in general
(23:36:03) Meghan: god i have to stop reading the quotes page
(23:36:44) Meghan: it's frying my brain