The Quotes Page
From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.
Good quotes are good times - Sushil
JohDHJ: That's because I am superior to you.
banerfee: My home theater is superior to you.
JohDHJ: My computer is superior to you.
banerfee: My home theater is superior to your computer.
banerfee: And you know what, this whole discussion is pointless, because my pen0s pwns everything.
JohDHJ: I'll concede that point.
JohDHJ: but only because you're so cute when you sleep.
banerfee: ^_^
banerfee: I'm so kawaii!
banerfee: -_-;;
JohDHJ: Holy shit.
JohDHJ: That needs to be quoted.