The Quotes Page
From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.
Good quotes are good times - Sushil
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Michael K, on Paris Hilton
"I've seen Paris [Hilton] act, sing, dance and even suck dick ... she can't do any of those things right." - Michael K
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Me, on periods
[14:03] banerfee: So I'm talking to this other intern and I'm pretty sure she set up some kind of macro in Windows Messenger to replace the period with a :)
[14:03] banerfee: And while I can see why girls would want to replace periods with happiness
[14:03] banerfee: This is ridiculous.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Dan, on broadcasting an IP address
[14:18] scroblog:
[14:18] scroblog: go there and tell me what it says
[14:27] banerfee: OK
[14:27] banerfee: US
United States
[14:27] scroblog: k
[14:27] scroblog: good
[14:27] scroblog: fyi your computer is broadcasting an ip address so be careful
[14:28] scroblog: hackers can use it to hack into your computer
[a few minutes later]
[14:37] scroblog: hey can you drive to canada and try that script plz?
[14:37] banerfee: k sure
[14:37] banerfee: brb
[14:37] scroblog: and if you have time mexico
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Dan, on how he does
[17:01] scroblog: ok though
[17:01] scroblog: im going to go eat some pizza smoke the rest of my weed and get drunk
[17:01] scroblog: cause its a weeknight
[17:01] scroblog: and thats how i do
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Morgan and me, on new stuff
(00:30:33) Morgan Hurley: congrats on your new monitor
(00:30:40) Neil B: Thank you.
(00:30:45) Neil B: I've taken pictures already with my new camera.
(00:30:49) Neil B: I should hook it up and put them online.
(00:31:22) Morgan Hurley: where are you getting all this new stuff?
(00:31:53) Neil B: I sell babies for crack, then I sell the crack for prostitutes. Then I kill the prostitutes and sell their organs on the black market in Mexico.
(00:32:05) Neil B: Either that or pays well.
(00:32:07) Neil B: Your pick.
(00:32:13) Morgan Hurley: :O
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Me, on interns and Internet
[22:00] banerfee: You know, as an intern, I'm just two letters away from being an internet
[22:00] jeremy31337: Hahaha
[22:00] banerfee: I think this is a reasonable aspiration for the summer.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Dan and me, on being straight
[12:41] banerfee: If you want me to set you up with Visio, I can do that
[12:41] banerfee: I think.
[12:41] scroblog: nah, its straight
[12:42] banerfee: I understand, you're not really into things that are straight.
[12:42] banerfee: That's cool.
[12:42] scroblog: faggot
[12:42] banerfee: :(
[12:42] scroblog: its ok i guess it means i like you
Monday, May 15, 2006
Guys at work, on The Oregon Trail
"We should leave the old Mac here in case we want to play Oregon Trail here."
"OK, but we'll have to take it home if we want to play the Oregon Trail drinking game."
"There's an Oregon Trail drinking game?!"
"...yeah, I made one up."
Friday, May 12, 2006
Mulka and me, on tabs
Kyle says: mike was telling me yesterday about the release of vim 7... with tabbed browsing... lol
Neil says: Haven't tried vim yet.
Neil says: But tabs are like the new black.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Jeremy, on sex in the moonlight
(02:52:06) Jeremy: So having sex in the moonlight on a lake shore(02:52:09) Jeremy: Way better in theory than in practice(02:52:29) Neil B: bugs? wet dirt? cold?(02:52:40) Jeremy: Umm(02:52:41) Jeremy: Dirt yes(02:52:46) Jeremy: Cold...yes, definitely(02:52:49) Jeremy: Especially tonight(02:53:03) Jeremy: Also like, chance of being pwnz0red by the police(02:53:07) Jeremy: Kinda makes it less hot(02:53:16) Neil B: Do they let you finish?(02:53:18) Jeremy: Hahaha(02:53:23) Jeremy: Dude like(02:53:25) Jeremy: I still had my shoes on(02:53:28) Jeremy: In case I needed to run
Jeremy, on Internet
(02:50:45) Jeremy: Maybe they have Internet in Heaven(02:50:55) Neil B: It's Heaven(02:51:03) Neil B: They have 9999999 TBit Internet there(02:51:06) Jeremy: Haha(02:51:25) Neil B: Actually, no, they don't have the Internet. You have a copy of the whole thing on your 99999999 TB hard disk(02:51:32) Jeremy: :-D(02:51:34) Jeremy: Oh wait(02:51:37) Jeremy: I don't like the Internet(02:51:38) Jeremy: :-(
Monday, May 01, 2006
Sarah and me, on creepy and gross boys
(23:43:02) Sarah: Why are boys creepy and gross??????????????(23:43:04) Sarah: ?????????????????????????(23:44:08) Sarah: :((23:49:05) Neil B: My brother's birthday party ... there were seven 10-ish boys and one poor 10-ish girl(23:49:11) Neil B: Whom thankfully Manisha was there to befriend.(23:49:22) Neil B: And she went on about how mean and immature boys were(23:49:33) Neil B: I wanted to pat her on the head and say "just wait until they start taking their pants off..."
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
May 2007