The Quotes Page

From the ashes of the old Quotes Page is born a new one ... younger, faster, and stronger, it will take the Internet by storm.

Good quotes are good times - Sushil

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Evan, on catching shit

Evan: "Which one of the guys is it that I catch shit in my mouth from all the time?"
Saagar: "That would be all of us, Evan."

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Dan, on Macs not having eject buttons

(3:27:32 PM) Dan: like the minimalist approach to designing things is cool and shit, but when you take it to an extreme where it makes you have absolutely no functionality you can go fuck yourself

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Me, on memory and orgies

(3:21:11 AM) Neil B: Firefox is a terrible memorgy hog though
(3:21:15 AM) Paul: yeah . . .
(3:21:16 AM) Neil B: *memory
(3:21:25 AM) Neil B: Although "memorgy" sounds a lot more fun

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Paul and James, on women

pcblingbling (11:40:30 AM): yes while(want_iron(james)) james_man_score--;
canadasice (11:40:49 AM): :-(
canadasice (11:40:57 AM): however
canadasice (11:41:26 AM): while(want_iron(james)){
pcblingbling (11:43:40 AM): error james_lifew.cpp on line 2: undefined reference to james_girl_attraction_score, possible suggestions james_girl_unattraction_score, james_blow_up_doll_attraction_score.


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